Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Great work today.  WoD was a little different than normal but still really really tough.

AMRAP 30 Minutes
 - Burpees were about 12 per round across the grass
 - Running between stations just shy of 1/4 mile per round
 - Box jump was on 16" box
 - All done outdoors in the heat and the sun

Long Jump Burpees

Knees to Elbows


Box Jumps

Decline Push Ups

Ajay - Middle - 2 + Burpees + K2E + Dips + Box Jumps
Bhanu - Middle - 2 + Burpees + K2E + Dips (started late, did 25 minutes or so)
Dinesh - Middle - 2 + Burpees + K2E + Dips + Box Jumps + 12 Push Ups
Inder - Middle - 4 + Burpees + K2E (Did knee raises instead of K2E)
Scott - Hard - 3 + Burpees + K2E
Sirish - Hard - 1 round, stopped due to wrist
Vijay - Hard - 2 + Burpees

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