Friday, March 21, 2014


1x Max Pull Ups

AMRAP - 15 minutes
Run Up and Back
10  Push Ups
Run Up and Back
10 Sit Ups/V Ups
Run Up and Back
10 DB Snatch
Run Up and Back
10 Ski Abs

1x Max Pull Ups

3x Deadlift

Ajay - 3+Run+10+Run+10 V Ups
Bhanu - 7+Run+10+run+10 V Ups @ 20# Snatch
Dinesh - 5+Run+10+Run+10+Run+1 Snatch @ 25# Snatch
Gowtham - 4+Run+10+Run+10 V Ups
Harpreet - 6 @ 20# Snatch
Salit - 5+Run+10+Run+10+run+10 Snatch+run+5 Ski Abs
Scott - 7+Run+10+Run+10+Run+10+Run @ 40# Snatch
Sirish - 8+Run+3 Push Ups @ 30@ Snatch
Vijay - 5+Run

Pull Ups
Ajay - 4, 4
Bhanu - 4, 3
Dinesh - 3, 3
Gowtham - 
Harpreet - 6, 5
Scott - 25, 20
Sirish - 
Vijay - 

Deadlift x10
Ajay - 45 (10), 115 (4), 115 (4)
Bhanu - 115, 115, 135
Dinesh - 135, 155, 155
Gowtham - 
Harpreet - 115, 115, 115
Salit - 20, 20, 20
Scott - 225, 295
Sirish - 135, 205, 155
Vijay - 

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