Friday, August 1, 2014


Harpreet's real final work out... Really. :)

After yesterday, this was tough and everyone killed it.  Personal Bests were smashed (Bests were on right and compare to April and last November  and see how big some of the changes were).  Great work! Way to push all the way through!

Cindy (Modified)
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

15 Manmakers
20 Each Slashers
25 Burpees

Bhanu - 
Dinesh - 
Harpreet - 
Rahul - 
Scott - 2x30#/45#
VJ - 

Kira didn't do Manmakers, Slashers or Burpees
Rahul didn't do burpees

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