Monday, August 18, 2014


Timed/Capped @ 40 minutes

Run Up and Back
Russian Twist
Double Sit Up
Push Ups
Side Bends
Deck Squats
DB Swings

Rounds/Russian Twist #/Side Bend #/Deck Squat #/DB Swing Ajay - 5 rounds
Bhanu - 7 30#/35#/35#
Dinesh - 
Gowtham - 5 rounds
Kira - 5+Run, twist, double situ ps, push ups, dips/25#/45#/25#/25#
Rahul - 5+ run on 4
Scott - 3+ Run, twist, double sit ups, push ups, dips/45#/45#/45#/65#
Sirish - 4 45#/45#/45#/65#
Vijay -  7+Run, twist, double sit ups, push ups/35#/65#/35#/65#

Scott - did 2x double sit ups, 2x push ups and 2x dips, finished the WoD in 44:58

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