Tuesday, December 23, 2014


"12 Days of Christmas" - Timed

Kira: 34:52
Scott: 35:34

50 Mt. Climbers
2 Deck Squat 45/25
3 3 Dips/Pull Ups
4 HSPU/Shoulder press @ 2x15
5 Squats
6 Sumo Deadlift 95/45
7 Sit Ups
8 KB Swings 65/30
9 Walking Lunges (Each)
10 Push Ups
11 Turkish Get Up 45/15
12 Burpees

The workout is done like the song.
1st round 50 Mt. Climbers
2nd round 2 deck squats and 50 mt. climbers
3rd round 3 Dips/Pull ups, 2 deck squats and 50 mt. climbers

Scott Weight on left, Kira on Right

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