Wednesday, December 3, 2014


2-3 Farmer Carry – Water Jugs - Up Stairs and around the office

Bench Press
2x 10@ Med
1x 5@ Med/Heavy
1x 3@ Heavy

100 OH Flutter Kick
50 Mountain Climber (Total)
50 Wide Mountain Climber (Total)
50 Cross Mountain Climbers (Total)
10 Rotating Side Plank

* Kira put up 80# 2x and failed on 3.  This is the most she has ever lifted.
* Raman put up 115# x3 on his heavy.  I think he has more in the tank but this is the most he has done in class.
* Scott put up 245# x3, tying his best ever.

** First time doing Cross Mountain Climbers.  They are tough.

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