Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 65 (mostly done in workout)

2 Deck Squats
4 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes

10/15/25 Pull Ups
75/100/150 Push ups
30/45/60 Bench Dips


4 Burpees
4 Straight Leg Deadlift @ 15#
20 Bicycle Situps

Rest 3 minutes

25 Lat Pull Downs
75 Wall Push ups
30 Bench Dips

Monday, December 30, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 64 (done partially in workout)

30 Minutes – AMRAP
3 Burpees
5 Squats
10 Walking Lunges
15 Sit Ups
20 Mountain Climbers

30 Minutes – AMRAP
3 Burpees
5 Left Overhead Step Up @ 7.5#
5 Right Overhead Step Up @ 7.5#
10 Bench Sits
15 Sit Ups

20 Mountain Climbers

Dinesh - 12+3+5+10
Purvaja - 11+2
Rahul - 16+3+5+10
Scott - 22+3
Siva - 13
Suresh - 13+3+5+10
Vijay - 12
Zeping - 16+3+5+5

Friday, December 20, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 53

We all did this 4x with different weights for Russian Twist, Deck Squats and Shoulder Press.  Well, most of us did this 4x. Vijay forgot how to read and did it 6 or 7 or who knows how many rounds.

10 Burpees
10 Russian Twists
10 Deck Squats
10 Wide Push Ups
10 Shoulder Press
10 Basketball Shots
10 180 Basketball Shots

10x 30 on 30 off Plank

10 Overhead Sit Ups @10#
10 Bicycle Sit Ups
10 Shoulder Press @15#
10 side bends @15#
10 Burpees

1 minute Knee in plank (Piriformis stretch)
10 Straight leg Deadlift – Slow

10 Squats - Slow

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Burpee Challenge – day 51

Pick a level workout.

Level 1
5 burpees
5 side lunges
5 dips
10 in-and-out abs
10 mountain climbers

Level 2
5 burpees
5 side lunges
10 dips
15 in-and-out abs
20 mountain climbers

Level 3
5 burpees
5 Pull Ups
10 side lunges
15 dips
20 in-and-out abs
30 mountain climbers

Purvaja - 40 minutes Piriformis stretches

Monday, December 16, 2013


50 burpees – timed
Max Pull Ups

10-1 Ladder
Push Ups
Squats/Jumping Squats
Sit Ups

Max Pull Ups

Burpee Time  -  1st set pull ups   -   2nd Set pullups
Bhanu - 5:13 - 3 - 2
Gaurav - ---- 
Rahul - 4:08 - 8 - 
Ray - ---  - 
Scott - 2:58 - 13 - 21
Sirish - 3:55 - 10 -
Vijaya - 5:40 - 9 - 10


Burpee Challenge - day 49


Burpee Challenge - day 48

Friday, December 13, 2013


Ever since we started the training, I have working to get everyone to be able to do ManMakers and Deck Squats.  I debated doing both in one day but it worked out really well.  This was a great workout and I am so excited and proud of the changes that are being made by everyone.

Burpees – day 47

Jump Rope – 100

Alternate With Partner
20 ManMakers

3x5 Deck Squat

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 46 (done in workout)

20 Burpees
35 Shoulder Press
80-100-150 Lunges
Max Pull Ups
30-40-50 Dips
50-75-100 Push Ups
16 Burpees
20-30-50 Plank Rows
50-75-150 Sit Ups

10 Burpees

Huge class today.  Great work, hard workout.  


Burpee Challenge - day 45

Yoga - 30 minutes, Intermediate

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 44 (done in workout)

11 Burpees
10 Sit Ups (Scott sub Pullups)
9 Push Ups
8 Squats
7 Dips
6 Shoulder Press
5 (Each) Lunges
4 Diamond Push Ups (Scott sub Double Sit Ups
3 Pull Ups (Scott sub Chin Ups)
2 Level 1 Drills

1 Leg Blaster

Leg Blasters (pick one number and do for each set)
10-14-20 Squats
5-7-10 Lunges Each
5-7-10 Jumping Lunges Each
5-7-10 Jumping Squats

Monday, December 9, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 43 (most done in workout)

This might have been the most intense workout we have done here ever.  The listed workout below was supposed to have all been done but we ran out of time before everyone had finished. This took us an hour even of hard work.

Set 1
10 (15) (each) ski abs
30-60 sec. Plank
30-60 sec. Superman
10 (20) Push up jacks

Set 2 
20 (40) Mountain Climbers
10 (15) Spiderman Pushups
10 (15) Box Jump

4 Burpees

Set 3
10-15 Squats

Bhanu - Set 1 x3, set 2 x8
Dinesh - Set 1x2, set 2 x7
Gowtham - Set 1 x5, set 2 x6, Set 3 - 2x 10@95#
Purvaja - Set 1x5, Set 2 x6, Set 3 - 30 Slow Squats (no weight)
Scott - Set 1 x5, Set 2 x10, Set 3 - 2x 10@185#
Vijaya - Set 1 x5 (+ yesterday burpees), Set 2 x5


Burpee Challenge - day 42 (on your own)


Burpee Challenge - day 41 (on your own)

Friday, December 6, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 40 (done in workout)

10 Renegade Row
15 (20) Box Jumps
10 (20) In and Out Abs

10 (Each side) Overhead Lunges
10 (Each side) Side Bends

10 Burpees

We were all broken up today for start times and groups.

Renegade Rows were with 10-15-20-25-30#
Overhead Lunges were with 20-30-35-45#
Side Bends were wieth 25-35-45-65#

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 37 (30 done in workout, 7 done after)

“Walk the Line” - for time

100 Walking Lunges
25 (50) Pushups
25 (50) Sit ups
25 (50) Bicycle Sit ups
10 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers

Sowmya did 50 Walking lunges/50 mountain Climbers and 25 of each (25 wall push ups)
Rahul, Scott and Sirish did 50 of each
Bhanu, Dinesh, Harpreet, Siva, Vijaya did 25 of each

Bhanu and Vijaya did this together later in the afternoon

Bhanu - 47:00
Dinesh - 40:48
Harpreet - 38:40
Rahul - 32:15
Scott - 26:47
Sirish - 33:27
Siva - 38:34
Sowmya - 35:20
Vijaya - 47:00

Monday, December 2, 2013


Burpee Challnege - day 36 (Done in workout)

8-1 Ladder
Lunges (Each Side)
Side Lunges (Each Side)
Slashers (Each Side)
DB Swing
Diamond Push Ups
Ski Abs (Each Side)

In-and-Out Abs

Scott add
Pull Ups
Wide Push Ups

Rahul add
Pull Ups

Purvaja Sub
Wall Push Ups for Diamond Push Ups
Scorpions for Side Lunges
Leg press with band for Lunges
Leg Extensions for Squats
Straight Leg Dead Lift for DB Swing


Burpee Challenge - day 35 (on your own)


Burpee Challenge - day 34 (on your own)


Burpee Challenge - day 33 (on your own)


Burpee Challenge - day 32 (on your own)


Burpee Challenge - day 31

45 Minutes Intermediate Yoga