Monday, December 9, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 43 (most done in workout)

This might have been the most intense workout we have done here ever.  The listed workout below was supposed to have all been done but we ran out of time before everyone had finished. This took us an hour even of hard work.

Set 1
10 (15) (each) ski abs
30-60 sec. Plank
30-60 sec. Superman
10 (20) Push up jacks

Set 2 
20 (40) Mountain Climbers
10 (15) Spiderman Pushups
10 (15) Box Jump

4 Burpees

Set 3
10-15 Squats

Bhanu - Set 1 x3, set 2 x8
Dinesh - Set 1x2, set 2 x7
Gowtham - Set 1 x5, set 2 x6, Set 3 - 2x 10@95#
Purvaja - Set 1x5, Set 2 x6, Set 3 - 30 Slow Squats (no weight)
Scott - Set 1 x5, Set 2 x10, Set 3 - 2x 10@185#
Vijaya - Set 1 x5 (+ yesterday burpees), Set 2 x5

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