Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 37 (30 done in workout, 7 done after)

“Walk the Line” - for time

100 Walking Lunges
25 (50) Pushups
25 (50) Sit ups
25 (50) Bicycle Sit ups
10 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers

Sowmya did 50 Walking lunges/50 mountain Climbers and 25 of each (25 wall push ups)
Rahul, Scott and Sirish did 50 of each
Bhanu, Dinesh, Harpreet, Siva, Vijaya did 25 of each

Bhanu and Vijaya did this together later in the afternoon

Bhanu - 47:00
Dinesh - 40:48
Harpreet - 38:40
Rahul - 32:15
Scott - 26:47
Sirish - 33:27
Siva - 38:34
Sowmya - 35:20
Vijaya - 47:00

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