Friday, December 20, 2013


Burpee Challenge - day 53

We all did this 4x with different weights for Russian Twist, Deck Squats and Shoulder Press.  Well, most of us did this 4x. Vijay forgot how to read and did it 6 or 7 or who knows how many rounds.

10 Burpees
10 Russian Twists
10 Deck Squats
10 Wide Push Ups
10 Shoulder Press
10 Basketball Shots
10 180 Basketball Shots

10x 30 on 30 off Plank

10 Overhead Sit Ups @10#
10 Bicycle Sit Ups
10 Shoulder Press @15#
10 side bends @15#
10 Burpees

1 minute Knee in plank (Piriformis stretch)
10 Straight leg Deadlift – Slow

10 Squats - Slow

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