Friday, February 14, 2014


Small group. Focused most of the class on form for squats, lunges and box jumps.  Working hard to take the pressure off the knees and ankles and onto the glutes and quads and thighs.


Tabata Push Ups
Bhanu - 19-17-12-7-8-7-7-5= 82
Dinesh - 14-12-9-5-7-5-6-6= 64
Salit - 11-10-7-6-7-7-7-6= 61
Scott - 24-20-13-9-8-7-8-8= 97
Vijay - 13-11-10-7-8-6-7-6= 68

Tabata Sit Ups
Bhanu - 10-11-11-10-10-10-10-11= 83
Dinesh - 12-12-12-10-10-10-10-9= 85
Salit - 15-15-15-15-13-15-14-9= 111
Scott - 18-17-15-13-13-14-12-12= 114
Vijay - 10-10-11-10-10-10-9-11= 81

Tabata Squats
Bhanu - 16-15-15-15-16-16-17-22= 132
Dinesh - 12-13-14-12-12-11-13-13= 100
Salit - 12-13-12-12-11-12-13-12= 97
Scott - 19-19-17-17-17-18-17-22= 146
Vijay - 7-8-8-8-8-8-8-9= 64

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