Friday, February 7, 2014


For Time:
10x Run Up and Back (about 400 yards)

5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

100 Mountain Climbers

5 Lunges (Each Side)
10 Dips
15 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each side)

10x Run Up and Back (about 400 yards)

Max Rep Pull Ups

*Scott did with 20# weight vest

Bhanu - 26:06 - 3 Pull Ups
Dinesh - 25:19 - 3 Jumping Pull Ups
Salit - 28:30 - 30 Lat Pull downs at 3
Scott - 21:12 - 16 Pull Ups (second set of 25 pull ups no vest after everyone was done)
Suresh - 29:54 - 6 Pull Ups
Vijaya - 31:05 - 3 Pull Ups

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