Friday, February 28, 2014


Pick a level, do the workouts in any order, in any number or sets you want.

Level 1
50 Box Jumps
50 Push Ups
50 DB Swings
100 Sit Ups
100 Lunges (total)

Level 2
100 Box Jumps
100 Push Ups
100 DB Swings
100 Double Sit Ups
200 Lunges (total)
-Max Pull Ups-

Level 3
-Max Pull Ups-
100 V-Ups
100 DB Swings
150 Double Unders
200 Box Jumps
200 Push Ups
300 Lunges (total)

-Max Pull Ups-

Dinesh - Level 2 (subbed 40 lunges, 80 squats) DB Swings @ 25#
Gowtham - Level 2, DB Swings @ 25#/15# (50 each)
Scott - Level 3, DB Swings @ 65#, Pullups: 24, 21
Salit - Level 1 2x, DB Swings @ 10#

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Form – Dumbbell Snatch

AMRAP 10 minutes

5 Wide Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Snatch
15 Bicycle Sit Ups


Bench Press

Bhanu - 9 @ 20#
Dinesh - 9+5 @ 15#
Gowtham - 9 @ 25# (1/2 bicycle situps for 6 rounds)
Harpreet - 7 @ 20#
Salit - 7 @ 5#
Scott - 11+5+2 @ 40#
Vijay - 6+5+10+2 @ 25#


20 Burpees
35 Shoulder Press
80/100/150 Lunges
Max Pull Ups
30/40/50 Dips
50/75/100 Push Ups
16 Burpees
20/30/50 Plank Rows
50/75/150 Sit Ups

10 Burpees

Bhanu - Right set of reps
Dinesh - Middle set of reps
Harpreet - Middle set of reps
Suresh - Left set of reps
Vijay - Right set of reps

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Timed WoD

10x Run up and back

5 Burpees
10 Lunges (Each Side)
15 Double Sit Ups
20 Dips

10x Run up and back

10 Shoulder Press/HSPU (Scott)
20 In and Out Abs
30 Bicycle Sit Ups (each Side)
80 Mountain Climbers (total)

10x Run up and back

Scott and Sirish added:
10 Ab Wheel
10/15 Pull Ups

10x Run up and back

Bhanu - 25:02
Dinesh - 35:00
Harpreet - 
Scott - 35:53 (Wore 20# weight vest through 2nd run)
Sirish - 
Suresh - 33:00
Vijay - 29:23

Monday, February 24, 2014


Tough workout today. Really good ladder.

Workout of the Day (WoD) - Scott - 7:54
55 Double Under – Buy In

Goblet Squats @ 65#
KB Swings @ 65#

55 Double Under – Buy Out

Form - (worked on form, made sure everyone is doing them correctly and safely)
Sumo Deadlift

Workout of the Day (WoD)
15 Burpees - Buy In

Box Jumps
2x Push Ups
Sumo Deadlift

15 Deck Squats - Buy Out

Friday, February 21, 2014


Really small group today. Really tough workout.

21 burpees

50 Hand Up Push Up/25 Negative Push Ups

20/40 Box Jumps
2x Run Up and Back
1x Bear Crawl up and back
10 HSPU/15 Shoulder Press

100 Mountain Climbers
2x Run Up and Back
15/25 V-Ups
25/50 Bicycle Sit Ups

100 Double Unders/Jump Rope

25/30 Upright Row

21 Burpees

Shoulder Press/Row
Bhanu - 2x20/45
Purvaja - 2x10/2x10
Scott - HSPU/30@95#

Thursday, February 20, 2014


4x (~160 yards) Up and Back Farmers Carry
10 Deadlifts
10 Side Bends
20 Situps/10 Overhead Sit Ups
10/20 Push Ups
3/5/10 Pull ups/Jumping
5/10 Burpees

Salit and Purvaja skipped pull ups.

Use 2x weight for farmer carry and deadlifts, drop one for side bends and if doing overhead squats, use same weight.

Bhanu - 35#
Dinesh - 30#
Purvaja - 15#
Rahul - 42#
Salit - 20#
Scott - 42#
Sirish - 42#


Yoga - 40 Minutes

Bhanu and Vijay did part of Tuesday's workout before yoga.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Walk the Line - Timed
100 Walking Lunges
25/50 Pushups
25/50 Sit ups
25/50 Bicycle Sit ups
10 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers

Name - Time - Push Ups/Sit Ups/Bicycle Sit Ups

Dinesh - 36:34 - 25/25/25 (PR)
Gowtham - 35:36 - 25/25/25
Rahul - 21:05 - 25/25/25 (2 Rounds)
Salit - 32:30 - 25/25/50
Scott - 26:05 - 50/50/50 (PR)
Sirish - 37/15 - 50/50/50

Compare to: 12/3/2013

Friday, February 14, 2014


Small group. Focused most of the class on form for squats, lunges and box jumps.  Working hard to take the pressure off the knees and ankles and onto the glutes and quads and thighs.


Tabata Push Ups
Bhanu - 19-17-12-7-8-7-7-5= 82
Dinesh - 14-12-9-5-7-5-6-6= 64
Salit - 11-10-7-6-7-7-7-6= 61
Scott - 24-20-13-9-8-7-8-8= 97
Vijay - 13-11-10-7-8-6-7-6= 68

Tabata Sit Ups
Bhanu - 10-11-11-10-10-10-10-11= 83
Dinesh - 12-12-12-10-10-10-10-9= 85
Salit - 15-15-15-15-13-15-14-9= 111
Scott - 18-17-15-13-13-14-12-12= 114
Vijay - 10-10-11-10-10-10-9-11= 81

Tabata Squats
Bhanu - 16-15-15-15-16-16-17-22= 132
Dinesh - 12-13-14-12-12-11-13-13= 100
Salit - 12-13-12-12-11-12-13-12= 97
Scott - 19-19-17-17-17-18-17-22= 146
Vijay - 7-8-8-8-8-8-8-9= 64

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Max Pull Ups

* 3 Burpees before each round
Sumo Deadlift
Side Bends
Renegade Row
Bicycle Sit Ups
* 3x up and back end of each round

Max Pull Ups


Scott did:
KB Swings @ 65#
Box Jumps
Ball Slams @ 30#
Run 100 Meters ever other round

Max time 20 Minutes. Got to round 4 on the down ladder when time ended.

Then (not for time)
10-1 V-Ups

100 Yard Farmer Carry @ 2x45#

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Yoga - 45 minutes


Scott - WoD - 9:58
Single Arm DB snatch @ 40#
Goblet Squat @ 40#
Sit Ups
Double Unders

-- 11 Deadlifts @205



Box Jumps
Lunges (each side)
Squats x2
Bicycle Sit Up x2

Rest 3 minutes

Shoulder Press
Mountain Climber x4
Sit Ups x2

Bhanu - 29:10 @ 2x15# shoulder press
Dinesh - 34:09 @ 2x20# shoulder press
Gowtham - 29:00 @ 2x15# shoulder press
Scott - 22:32 @ 2x25# shoulder press
Vijay - Modified with pain in knee after 2 rounds

Monday, February 10, 2014


Big Group today.

WoD - Timed 9:50
27 Double Unders

9 Thursters @95#
9 Toes to Bar
9 Power Cleans @95#
9 Burpees

27 Double Unders


2x – 45/35 Seconds
Power Jacks
High Knees
Butt Kicks

3x – 45/35 Seconds
Ski Jump
In-and-out abs
Level 1 Drill
Ski Jumps
Sprint – Up Downs

3x – 45 Seconds
Basketball Jumps
Power knee left
Side Suicide jumps
Power knee right
Cross jacks
Upper cut

27 Double Unders
9 Thrusters @ 95#
9 Toes 2 Bar
9 Power Cleans @ 95#
9 Burpees

27 Double Unders

Friday, February 7, 2014


Really small group.  Scrapped the workout in favor of lifting and supersets.

"Annie" - Timed 5:35
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Bench Press

2x 10 Bench @ 65#
1x10 Bench @ 75#

3x10 Bench @ 95#

3x10 Bench @ 2x10#

3x5 Bench @ 225#
10 DB Swings
10 (each) side lunges

Bhanu - 30#
Dinesh - 30#
Salit - 10#
Scott - 65#
10 Sumo Deadlift
10 Shoulder Press
20 Bicycle Sit Ups

Bhanu - 30#/2x20#
Dinesh - 30#/2x20#
Salit - 10#/2x7.5#
Scott - 65#
Ab Wheel
Bhanu - 6
Dinesh - 15
Salit - 15
Scott - 30


For Time:
10x Run Up and Back (about 400 yards)

5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

100 Mountain Climbers

5 Lunges (Each Side)
10 Dips
15 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each side)

10x Run Up and Back (about 400 yards)

Max Rep Pull Ups

*Scott did with 20# weight vest

Bhanu - 26:06 - 3 Pull Ups
Dinesh - 25:19 - 3 Jumping Pull Ups
Salit - 28:30 - 30 Lat Pull downs at 3
Scott - 21:12 - 16 Pull Ups (second set of 25 pull ups no vest after everyone was done)
Suresh - 29:54 - 6 Pull Ups
Vijaya - 31:05 - 3 Pull Ups

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Burpee Challenge - day 100

100 Burpees
10/25/50/75 Pull Ups
25/50 Deck Squats
100/250 Sit Ups
200/400/500 Mountain Climbers

Pick a rep amount, and do the total reps, any way, any sets.

Bhanu - 38:15
Pull ups - 15
Deck Squats @ 25# - 25
Sit Ups - 100
Mountain Climbers - 220

Dinesh - 43:30
Pull ups - 10
Deck Squats - 26
Sit Ups - 100
Mountain Climbers - 200

Scott - 41:20
Pull ups - 75
Deck Squats @45# - 50
Sit Ups - 250
Mountain Climbers - 500

Suresh - 39:20 (added dips instead of sit ups)
Pull ups - 19
Deck Squats - 20
Sit Ups - 60
Mountain Climbers - 140

Vijaya - 46:30
Pull ups - 45
Deck Squats - 35
Sit Ups - 150
Mountain Climbers - 400

Frankie - Not timed
Pull ups - 
Deck Squats - 
Sit Ups - 
Mountain Climbers - 

Monday, February 3, 2014


Burpee Challenge Day 99

Small group for Monday. I wanted to break up the interval training and do some other work.  There was no time, no set order just do everything before starting over.  This took a lot longer than I thought it would for all of us.  First time using a (fake) ab wheel with the group. 

5 Sprints
10 (Each) Lunges
10 Squats
25 Burpees
30/45 Basketball Jumps
30/60 Plank
15/25/50 Dips
25/40/80 Push Ups
10 Shoulder Press/OHPU
3/5/10 Ab Wheel

20 Overhead Sit Up


Burpee Challenge Day 98


Burpee Challenge Day 97