Tuesday, June 3, 2014


25/50 Dips

1x Up and Back Lunges
2x Up and Back Farmer Carry
3x Up and Back Run

10 (each) Side Bends
15 OH Sit Ups
20 Double Sit Ups
25 (each) Bicycle Sit Ups
30 (total) Flutter Kicks

2-3 Sets Bench Press

Farmer Carry/Side Bends/OH  Sit ups/ Flutter Kick/Bench (reps@weight)
Ajay - 2x45#/35#/25#/35#
Dinesh - 2x35#/  /#25#/25#/10@125#
Harpreet - 2x45#/35#/35#/35#/2x10@115#,2x5@135# + 3x10 Shoulder press @60#
Kira - 2x45#/1@23#, 2@35#/25#/25#/10@45#, 5@65#
Rajan - 2x10@@135#, 2x10 @#145#
Salit - 2x15#/20#/10#/10#
Scott - 2x45#/65#/2@55#, 1@65#/2@55#, 1@65#/10@205#, 3@245#, 1@265# + 3 sets of 50 Dips

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