Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Timed WoD - Compare to 2/25/2014

10x Run up and back

5 Burpees
10 Lunges (Each Side)
15 Double Sit Ups
20 Dips

10x Run up and back

10 Shoulder Press/HSPU (Scott)
20 In and Out Abs
30 Bicycle Sit Ups (each Side)
80 Mountain Climbers (total)

10x Run up and back

Scott and Sirish added:
10 Ab Wheel
10/15 Pull Ups

10x Run up and back

2/25/14 time in (RED)

Ajay - 30:25
Bhanu - 24:00 (25:02)
Dinesh - 29:00 (35:00)
Harpreet - 29:19
Kira - 26ish - Half of 2nd run and all of 3rd run done w/ 20# vest
Rajan - 23:07
Salit - 35:00
Scott - 33:48 - w/ 20# vest through 2nd run (35:53)
Sirish - 34:20
Vijay - 25:17 (29:23)

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