Friday, June 6, 2014


Time capped at 40 Minutes

25 Burpees
20 Deck Squats
100/150/200 Mountain Climbers
30/50/75 Push Up Jacks
30/50/75 Basketball Jumps
75/100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10x Liners (Up and Back)
30/50/70 Spiderman Push Ups (Total)
20/35/50 Thrusters
20/35/50 V-Ups

Max Pull Ups

Time - Light,Middle,Hard/Deck Squat/Thruster/Pull Ups

Ajay: 33:56 - Middle (push ups Light)
Bhanu: 40:00 - Hard (50 Push Ups)/35#/20@2x20#, 30@2x15#/
Dinesh: 40:00 - 
Gowtham: 33:00 - Light
Harpreet: 40:00 - Middle/35#/2x20#/10
Kira: 30:57 Middle (After, did up to hard on all sets)
Rajan: 32:30 - Middle
Salit 40:00 - Light Push Up/Thrusters, Middle Everything Else
Scott 37:50: Hard (300 mountain climbers)/45#/65#/21
Suresh: 35:00: Light
Vijay - 40:00 - Hard/ /2x20#/

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