Tuesday, June 17, 2014


"Jones Crawl" - Timed - Compare to 4/4/2014
10 Deadlift
25 Box Jumps


100 Jump Rope
15 Burpees
50/100 Double Sit Ups
100 Jump Rope


20 Shoulder Press/10HSPU
10 V-Up

" Jones Crawl"

Time/Weight/Box Height
Ajay - 8:55/135,135,115#/16"
Bhanu - 5:09/155#/16"
Dinesh - 8:06/135#/16"
Kira - 5:02/95#/16"
Rahul - 6:03/185#/16"
Rajan - 5:01/205#(RX)/20"
Scott - 3:06/205#(RX)/20"
Sirish - 4:23/205#(RX)/20"
VJ - 10:04/135#/16"

Last time we did this:
Dinesh did it in 9:49 @ 115#.  He crushed it this time - and he stopped to fill up his water
Rahul added 70# (lowered his box jumps after yesterday's workout) and still was only behind by 13 seconds

And this happened (Kira would beat me if I failed to mention she held that a longer than I did):

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