Thursday, July 31, 2014


Nasty workout for Harpreet's last day.  Great work everyone.  Way to push through this nasty workout.

18-1 – Alternating by 3 - Timed
*** 5x Run up and back after every 3rd Set ***

Set 1 (Rounds 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3)

Set 2 (Rounds 17, 14, 11, 8, 5, 2)
Jumping Squats
OH Sit Ups
2x Push Ups (34, 28, 22, 16, 10, 4)

Set 3 (Rounds 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, 1)
Dive Bomber Push Ups
3x Bicycle Sit Ups (48, 39, 30, 21, 12, 3)
10x Mountain Climbers

Sent from my mobile. Please excuse any typos. 

Monday, July 28, 2014


Great work today - everyone killed this workout a lot faster than I expected!  I guess that means I have to make tomorrows workout harder.

10 Alternating DB Snatch
5 Slashers (each)
5 Deck Squats
10 in-n-out abs
20 Double Sit Ups

Buy Out – 200/400 Mt. Climbers

* Every 60 seconds do 5/10 Push Ups

Scott and Vijay did 10 Push Ups, everyone else did 5.
Scott did all right hand snatch after first round (broken finger)

Friday, July 25, 2014


Hot day to go out and run.  Totally worth it at the end.  Great work - small group.

20 rounds

Every 90 Seconds:

Run 60 Yards
5 Lunges (Each)
5 Jumping Squats
10/15 Push Ups

Sirish and Rahul did 8 Rounds then went in and did some lifting
Kira did 10 Push Ups first 10 rounds then none
Scott did 15 Push Ups
Ajay and Dinesh did 10 Push Ups

Thursday, July 24, 2014


This time, we timed first part for comparison of old times and then added the rest and continued timer for the whole workout. Every single person did better this time than in May... by far! Today is another workout you should all feel really accomplished with!  Great work today!

Timed (Compare to 5/13/2014 and 4/1/2014):
75/100 Push Ups
125/200 Sit Ups
200/300 Squats

-No more than 3 minutes rest-

15/25 Burpees
30/50 Dips
100/200 Mountain Climbers
30/50 Dips
15/25 Burpees

First/Total (including 3 minute break)/Old
 ** Everone did Max except Inder **
Bhanu - 22:21/38:31/25:15 (PR)
Harpreet - 24:35/40:45/29:42 (PR)
Inderjeet - 14:36/27:39/NA
Kira - 20:56/34:05/29:07 (PR)
Rahul - 24:40/40:30/25:15 (PR)
Scott - 15:06/28:16/17:55 (PR)
Sirish - 19:50/33:30/23:45 (PR)
VJ - 22:45/ 36:35/29:43 (PR)



Tuesday, July 22, 2014


4x (50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
Plank Rows
Jump Rope
Sit Ups
Level 1 Drill
Static Squat
Russian Twists
Shoulder Press

Monday, July 21, 2014


Amazing work today.  Just awesome to see how hard everyone worked and almost everyone crushing their old times from just over a month ago and to see where everyone was from the first time they did this.  Rahul gets a pass because he has been out a lot recently and has been getting back slowly.

Compare this to 6/16/2014

Walk the Line - Timed
100 Walking Lunges
25/50 Pushups
25/50 Sit ups
25/50 Bicycle Sit ups
10 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers

Time/Last Time
Ajay - 34:20 (Minimum)/44:05 (Minimum on Push ups, Max other)
Bhanu - 34:56 (Max)/40:04 (Max)
Dinesh - 36:00 (Max)/46:50 (Max)
Harpreet - 40:07 (Max)/41:35 (Max)
Kira - 30:12 (Max)/32:52 (Max)
Rahul - 36:05 (Max)/35:52 (Max)
Ray - 35:00 (2 rounds)/43:30 (Min, Half Burpees)
Scott - 22:52 (Max)/24:59 (Max)
Sirish - 31:50 (Max)/33:46 (Max)
Vijay - 36:39 (Max)/44:38 (Max)

PRs for Bhanu, Dinesh, Harpreet, Kira, Scott, Sirish, Vijay

Ajay would have had a PR if he had done the extra 75 sit ups and bicycles... He crushed his time.

Friday, July 18, 2014


25 Squats
20 Alternating High Knee + Twist
15 Box Jumps
10 Jump Squats
5 Burpee

Box Jumps
Deck Squats
OH Sit Ups
Dive Bomb Push Ups

25 Swiss Ball Glute Raises
60 Second Plank
30 Sit Ups
25 1-Leg bridge (each)

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Same workout as 3/27/2014. 6 of the 8 people who did this today did it on the last date. Great work.

100/200/300 Mountain Climbers

5/7/10 Burpees
10/15/20 Diamond Push Ups
10/15/20 V-Ups
20/30/40 Bicycle Sit Ups

100/200/300 Mountain Climbers

Ajay - Middle
Bhanu - Max
Dinesh - Middle
Harpreet - Max
Kira - Max (Subbed 10 Straight Leg DL @ 75# for burpees)
Scott - Max
Sirish - Max
Suresh - Middle Mountain Climbers/Low 5x

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Compare to 2/6/2014 - same workout, half the running.

For those that did this before, most of the times went up a few minutes but the running took 4-6 minutes each set this time instead of 2-3 minutes it took last time so the 3 minutes added time is made up for with the 4-6 minutes of extra running.  And for Bhanu... he went full beast mode - beating his time by almost 3 minutes from last time while adding all the running!

Great work today!

For Time:
20x Run Up and Back (800 meters)

5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

100 Mountain Climbers

5 Lunges (Each)
10 Dips
15 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)

20x Run Up and Back (800 meters)

After time:
Max Rep Pull Ups

Bhanu - 22:21
Dinesh - 28:00
Harpreet - 26:40
Kira - 23:15
Rahul - 22:35
Scott - 24:03 (w/ 20# weight vest)
Sirish - 25:00
Vijay - 32:03

Monday, July 14, 2014


30 High Knees (total)
15 Squats + 10 Sec hold at bottom
50 Mountain Climbers (total)
10 Decline Push Ups
40 Flutter Kick + OH Weight
15 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10 Dive Bomber Push Ups

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Nasty, nasty workout.  I send the workout on Thursday night and only Harpreet was brave enough to join.

10x Run up and back 

Max Pull ups

50 double sit ups
40 squats
30 spiderman push ups
20 v-ups
10 box jumps

10 side bends (each) 
10 sumo deadlifts 
10 shoulder press

Max Pull ups

10x Run up and back

Harpreet did 1/2 of the 5x workout
Scott Subbed max dips for max pull ups

Sirish did some lifting - Bench
Rahul ran on the treadmill
Kira did Elliptical and Shoulder Press



Only 5 people came up but was told it was really fun.

I got my Spin on after work.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


3rd really, really tough day in a row.  We are all hurting from the work the last few days and now this.  PRs around for lots of people on the Tabata work. Great Job!

Jingle Jangles

Tabata Push Up
Tabata Sit Up
Tabata Squat

5 Run Up and back
50 Mountain Climbers
10 Spiderman Push Ups

Elliptical 10 minutes, level 10

Tabata Push Up
Tabata Sit Up

25 Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
25 Swiss Ball Leg Curl

Elliptical 11 minutes, level 10

Tabata Push Up
Ajay - 16-14-10-10-8-7-6-5=76
Bhanu - 18-17-10-9-7-7-6-5=79
Dinesh - 19-15-13-9-8-7-6-7=84
Kira - 18-10-9-9-8-8-9-9=80
Rahul - 
Scott - 26-24-15-12-11-10-11-10=119
Sirish - 27-22-12-6-6-6-3-6=88
Suresh - 17-15-7-8-4-6-5-3=65
Vijay - 15-15-9-4-20-15-10-12=100 (PR - Old was 78)

Tabata Sit Up
Ajay - 8-10-9-9-9-10-9-9=73
Bhanu - 16-16-16-16-15-15-11-14=119
Dinesh - 17-15-15-15-14-11-12-13=112
Kira - 15-15-14-13-13-14-13-14=111 (PR - Old was 84)
Rahul - 
Scott - 20-20-18-18-1514-13-15=133
Sirish - 16-17-18-19-14-13-13-11=121
Suresh - 12-11-9-8-8-8-7-7=70
Vijay - 10-10-11-10-11-10-10-12=84

Tabata Squat
Ajay - 13-11-14-13-10-13-13-17=104
Bhanu - 15-17-18-17-17-17-19-19=139 (PR - Old was 132)
Dinesh - 14-15-15-13-15-13-15-18=110 (PR - Old was 100)
Rahul - 
Scott - 23-22-21-21-20-20-21-21=169
Sirish - 17-19-17-14-10-12-12-17=118
Suresh - 13-13-14-12-14-13-16-16=116
Vijay - 9-8-10-10-10-12-16-18=93 (PR - Old was 64)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


5 Pause-Squats @ Med/Heavy
10 Box Jumps
10 Jumping Squats (BodyWeight)
3 Run up and back

5 Push Ups
5 Wide Push Ups
5 Narrow Push Ups
5 Decline Push Ups
5 Slashers (Each)
5 Deck Squats

50 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
100 Mountain Climbers (Total)

5 Push Ups
5 Wide Push Ups
5 Narrow Push Ups
5 Decline Push Ups
5 Shoulder Press 2@2x20, 3@2x15
5 Slashers (Each) @ 35

50 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
30 Alternating 1-leg bridge

15 minutes Elliptical
Hill/Interval level 10


1-10-1 – Time capped at 40 minutes (not firm)
Push Ups
2x bicycle sit ups
OH Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Diamond Push Ups
Plank Rows
In and out Abs

*Run ups and back after each round

Scott Sub ab wheel for Plank Rows

Rounds - OH Situps/Plank Rows
Ajay - 1-10
Bhanu - 1-10-8
Scott - 1-10-1 45#, about 43 minutes
Sirish - 1-10 45#/30# about 30 minutes
Vijay- 1-10

10 Minutes Elliptical
               1:30 Light
               7 Medium hard
               1:30 Light

25 Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
25 Swiss Ball Leg Curl

Push Up
2x Bicycle Sit Ups

25 Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
25 Swiss Ball Leg Curl

10 Minutes Elliptical
               2 Light
               6 Hard

               2 Light

Monday, July 7, 2014


"Ball 50" - timed - 13:33 (PR from almost 5 years ago was 14:22 - 11/7/2009)
With 20# ball
50 Sit ups
50 Double unders
50 Sit ups
50 Walking lunge steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups

Deadlift @115% bodyweight
Pull Ups
Push ups