Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Burpee Challenge – day 16

2x Bench Press/Jump Rope
Groups of 3, 1 spot, 1 bench, 1 jump rope

10 Russian Twist
20 Crunches/Sit Ups/Overhead Sit Ups
10 Sumo Deadlift
10-20 Box Jumps

Bear Crawl (up and back x2)

Bench Press
Dinesh - 12x135, 10x155
Harpreet - 5x135, 12x115
Purvaja - 10 reps 2x10
Rahul - 155, 6x175
Scott - 10x135, 10x185, 7x 205, 5x225 (1 set jump rope, 3 sets double unders)
Sirish - 145, 155
Siva - 
Sowmya - 10 reps 2x10
Suresh - 
Vijaya - 4 sets 12x115

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