Thursday, November 7, 2013


Burpee Challenge – Day 11

3x Leg Blasters
20 squats
10 lunges (each side)
10 lumping lunges (each side)
10 jumping squats

1 set max pull ups – chin to bar

Sprint (up and back)
10 Spiderman Push Ups/Push Ups
10/15/20 Sit Ups

1 Set max pull ups

(Push up type/# of sit ups/Pull ups rounds 1 and 2)
Dinesh - Spiderman/10/10 (Jumping)/10 (Jumping)
Harpreet - Regular/15/6/10 (Jumping)
Rahul - Spiderman/15//16
Scott - Spiderman/20/27/30
Sirish - Plank/20//15
Siva - 8 Rounds -Spiderman/10/5x3 pullups
Suresh - 
Vijaya - Spiderman/15/6/9

2x10 Handstand Push Ups

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