Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Two new movements today - Rotating Planks and Smurf Jacks.

This is the end of an era.  Last day of working out here for Bhanu and Vijay.  This was Vijay's 169th post, going back to 10/22/2013, and Bhanu's 155th post, going back to 10/18/2013.  The room just won't be the same without you two - and will definitely be a lot more quiet without Bhanu to be so noisy.  Good luck to both of you on your next endeavors and keep up your new-found lifestyle of healthy living.

20 Rotating Planks (each)

5 Deck Squats
5 Slashers
5 Sumo DL
5 V-Up
10 Dips
10 Lunges (each)
10 Smurf Jacks
15 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups

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