Monday, October 13, 2014


It has been over a year now since I started this blog at work.  Lots of people have come and gone from the group we keep on keeping on.  

Timed - Compare to 6/6/2014

25 Burpees
20 Deck Squats
150/300 Mountain Climbers
50/75 Push Up Jacks
50/75 Basketball Jumps
100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10x Liners (Up and Back)
50/70 Spiderman Push Ups (Total)
35/50 Thrusters
35/50 V-Ups

Max Pull Ups

Time - Deck Squat/Thruster/Pull Ups 
* Kira modified for time and events
* Scott best time by just shy of 4 minutes

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