Friday, April 18, 2014


1 Run Up and Back
40 Shoulder Press (Scott Sub 20 HSUP)
2 Run Up and Back
75/100 Squats
3 Run Up and Back
30/50 Dips
4 Run Up and Back
50/75/100 Double Sit Ups
5 Run Up and Back
50/100/150 Push Ups
4 Run Up and Back
75/100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (each)
3 Run Up and Back
50 Lunges (each)
2 Run Up and Back
25 Each Plank Dumbbell Row
1 Run Up and Back

100/200/300 Mountain Climber (total)

Bhanu - 42:00 - 120 Push Ups, max everything else
Dinesh - 44:33 - Minimum Reps, 25# Row, 25# Shoulder Press
Kira - --- - Max Reps Except pushups, 10# Shoulder Press, no Rows or Mountain climbers, 2 extra run
Rahul - 41:30 - Max reps, 30# Row, 30# Shoulder Press
Rajan - Something:50, minimum except mountain climbers
Salit - 36:00 - Min Reps, 5# Shoulder Press, 10# Row
Scott - 38:38 - Max reps, 60# Row
Sirish - 
Vijay - 

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