Monday, May 19, 2014


Small group, good workout.  Tough, long workout that spread the work over the whole body and really got the heart and lungs going. 


25 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
20 Double Sit Ups
15 Push Ups
10 A2G Sqauts
10 Box Jumps
5 Slashers (Each)
5 Plank Row (Each)

3 Burpees

Rounds completed/Slasher (#)/Plank Row (#)
Bhanu - 10/30#/25#
Dinesh - 7/25#/20#
Harpreet - 7/35#/25#
Kira - 7/25#/15#
Scott - 10/45#/55#
Vijay - 10/25#/30#

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