Friday, May 30, 2014


Squats 3x10
Squats 2x5 (Heavier)
(If OK with more weight)

Deadlift 2x10
Deadlift 2x5 (Heavier)
(If OK with more weight)

Alternating with partner:
P1) 5 Renegade Rows (Heavy)
P1) 25 Sit ups
P2) Flutter Kicks + weight

Switch Partners

Weights (Squat/Heavy Squat/Deadlift/Heavy Deadlift/Renegade Row/Flutter Kick)

Ajay - 75#/95#/95#/125#/20#/25#
Bhanu - 95#/100#/125#/145#/25#
Gowtham - 135#/155#/135#/0/
Harpreet - 95#/100#/135#/155#/25#/
Kira - 
Salit - 2x15#/0/25#/0/10#/15#
Scott - (a2g + hold 3 seconds at bottom - all squats) 155#/185#, 205#/55#/2x25#
Sirish - 155#/185#/225#/0/55#/45#
Suresh - 
Vijay - 95#/100#/115#/125#/30#/

Scott, Sirish, Gowtham did 3 sets of partner work.

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