Tuesday, May 27, 2014


5 Burpees
10/15/20 Push Ups
15/20/30 Sit Ups
20/35/50 Squats
Farmer Carry Up and Back

Rest 2 minutes

5 Up and Back Liners
10 Shoulder Press
10 Sumo Deadlift
10/20 Box Jump

Rest 2 minutes

50/75/100 Bicycle Sit Up

Push Ups/Sit Ups/Squats/Farmer Carry #/Shoulder Press #/Sumo DL #/Box Jump Height/Bicycle Rep@height

Bhanu - 20/30/50/2x45#/45#/45#/20@16"
Dinesh - 20/30/50/2x35#/45#/45#/20@16
Harpreet - 20/30/50/2x45#/2x25#/65#/20@16
Kira - 20/30/50(20 last set)/45#/2x15#
Salit - 10/30/50/2x15#/2x10#/20#/10 (step ups)
Scott - 20/30/50/2x45#/HSPU/65#/20@20"
Sirish - (5 rounds) 20/30/50/45#
Suresh - 10/15/20/25#
Vijay - 20/30/50/2x45#/2x25#/45/20@16"

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