Friday, October 31, 2014


Just me today.  I revisited an old workout. And Crushed it.

300 - Timed - 16:05 - PR (Old PR 16:25 on 1/7/2010)
25 Pull ups 
50 Deadlifts @ 135# 
50 Push ups
50 Box jumps @ 24” 
50 Floor wipers @ 135# 
50 Single-arm Clean-and-Press @ 35#
25 Pull ups

25 V-Ups

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Pull Ups
Scott: 17/16/8 (first 2 underhand, 3rd overhand)
Raman: 5/5/5

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


10x medium
5x heavy
Work to 1x 1RM

10 Squat to Box Jump
15 Box Step Up + Crunch (each)
15 Side Bends (each)
15 OH Sit Ups
50 OH Flutter Kicks
50 Walking Lunges

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Death by Burpee/Box Jump
On the minute do 1 Burpee + 1 Box Jump
Add one each round

At Fail (no rest):

2 minute Plank
10 Laps around
100 Sit Ups
10 Laps around
Max Pull Ups
10 Laps around
200 Squats
10 Laps around
2 minute Plank

Friday, October 24, 2014


5 Deck Squats
50/100 OH Flutter Kicks
50/100 Mountain Climbers

25 Deadlift
25/50 Sit Ups
25/50 Supermans
25/50 Lunges (Each)

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Run 4/10 mile

Dumbbell Swing @ 30#
Box Jump
Burpee/Suicide Jump

15 Side Plank with twist (Each)
10 Renegade Rows/Lat Pull

Run 4/10

Scott and Raman did Burpees and Renegade Rows
Raman did 21-9-3 for first set and 2x on second set
Kira did Suicide Jumps and Lat Pulls

DB #/Box Height/Renegade Row # (Lat Pull #)
Raman: 30#/16"/25#
Scott: 65#/20"/60#

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



10 Wide lat pulls
10 Narrow lat pulls
15 Sit Ups
25 A2G Squats

10 Shrugs (hold last one for Calf raises) @ 2x35#
10 Calf raises (hold last one for 10 Seconds) @ 2x35#
15 Side Bends @ 35#
15 Lunges (Each)

90 Second plank
200 Jump Rope

** Will find the workout and post later **

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

vijay and bhanu (10/20/2014)

Vijay: 400 pushups, 300 situps, 300 bicycle situps (total)
Bhanu: 200 pushups, 125 situps, 100 bicycle situps (total), 100 double situps

Monday, October 20, 2014


Max Push Ups/Supine Row
Rest 90 seconds

10 Straight leg DL
15 V-Ups
3x run around (about 100 meter)

Up/Back Lunges
Up/Back Farmer Carry
100 OH Flutter Kick

For Max: Kira did Supine Rows; Scott and Raman did Push Ups.

Friday, October 17, 2014


15 Deadlift
15 Upright Row

20 Dips
20 Double Sit Ups
15 Pull Up/Lat Pull Down
5 Deck Squats

vijay & bhanu 10/17/2014

We did the 10/16/2014 workout all the way upto wide moutain climbers.

For lunges
Bhanu: 20#
Vijay: 15#

OH situps/butterfly kicks
Bhanu: 25#
Vijay: 25#

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Same weight for the bar, keep it up for all 3
5 Lunge (each)
5 Squat

20 OH Sit Ups
200 OH Flutter Kick
2 Minute Plank

45 seconds each
Butt Kickers
Basketball Jumps
Wide Mt. Climbers

45 seconds each
Stance Jacks
High hook/low hook (plyo squat)
In-out abs

Kira - 2x @ 65#, 1x @75#
Scott - 2x @ 185#, 1x @ 205#

Kira Subbed high knees for Mt. Climers, double sit ups for in-out abs and no hook, only plyo squat. No time for OH and plank.

Scott OH weight - 65#

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

vijay and bhanu

Today we did 5 minute fast run (@ 6.5 to 7 miles) followed by 25 situps and 25 pushups.

Repeat 6 six times. Had a good workout.


Jones Crawl - timed
10 DL @ 115% bodyweight
25 Box Jumps

50 Squats
20 Jump Squats
10 Each Side Bends
10 V-Ups

Kira with a PR in a big way from her last time - 40 seconds.
Ajay set a PR but less weight than last time.
Sirish just missed his PR but has been out for a while.
Scott missed pr by 9 seconds but had 10 extra pounds on the bar based on bodyweight.

Nice work today!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vijay/Bhanu update

Vijay & Bhanu did Monday's workout out all the way upto up back liners

25 Burpees
20 Deck Squats
150/300 Mountain Climbers
50/75 Push Up Jacks
50/75 Basketball Jumps
100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10x Liners (Up and Back)
50/70 Spiderman Push Ups (Total)
35/50 Thrusters
35/50 V-Ups

Max Pull Ups

Monday, October 13, 2014


It has been over a year now since I started this blog at work.  Lots of people have come and gone from the group we keep on keeping on.  

Timed - Compare to 6/6/2014

25 Burpees
20 Deck Squats
150/300 Mountain Climbers
50/75 Push Up Jacks
50/75 Basketball Jumps
100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10x Liners (Up and Back)
50/70 Spiderman Push Ups (Total)
35/50 Thrusters
35/50 V-Ups

Max Pull Ups

Time - Deck Squat/Thruster/Pull Ups 
* Kira modified for time and events
* Scott best time by just shy of 4 minutes

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

lynch the fat around the core [aka lunges]

wrapping up the last day with a bang and lots of fun

the girl with the heavy chip on her shoulders ;) [deck sqats]

butterflies in my stomach (aka flutter kicks)

the last hurrah (for now till we meet again)

core busters at work

the three monkeys (see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil)

smurf jacks

core busters

core bustin gang

the real kira

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Two new movements today - Rotating Planks and Smurf Jacks.

This is the end of an era.  Last day of working out here for Bhanu and Vijay.  This was Vijay's 169th post, going back to 10/22/2013, and Bhanu's 155th post, going back to 10/18/2013.  The room just won't be the same without you two - and will definitely be a lot more quiet without Bhanu to be so noisy.  Good luck to both of you on your next endeavors and keep up your new-found lifestyle of healthy living.

20 Rotating Planks (each)

5 Deck Squats
5 Slashers
5 Sumo DL
5 V-Up
10 Dips
10 Lunges (each)
10 Smurf Jacks
15 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups


Squat day

* Scott did Jumping Squats @175 for med/heavy

Kira: 20-12-12-10-7-9-9-9=88 (PR)
Scott: 29-29-21-15-14-14-13-14=149 (PR)

Friday, October 3, 2014


15 Bench Press (Medium Weight)
15 Shoulder Press
20 Lunges (Each)

15 Deadlift (Medium Weight)
25 Squats
50 Yard Farmer Carry

Bench/Shoulder/Deadlift/Farmer Carry

Kira: 3@55#, 1@65#/2x15#/95#/2x41#
Neil: 1@55#, 2@65#. 1@75#/2x15#/45#/2@2x25#, 1@2x41#
Scott: 165#/2x30#/185#/2x41#

Kira and Scott did 2 rounds of deadlift set
Neil deadlift for form ober weight today

Thursday, October 2, 2014


5/10 Push-ups after each exercise

Sit Ups
Box Jumps

DB Swings
Slashers (each)

100 OH Flutter Kicks

Push ups (5/10)/DB Swing/Slashers/OH Flutter Kick
Bhanu - 300 Total/30#/30#/30#
Kira - 10/
Scott - 10/65#/45#/65#
Sirish - 10/65#/45#/45#
Vijay - 

10 "Abs by Flash" as a group.

Abs by Flash