Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Nasty workout.  It was not any easier than July when we did this. 

Great work to everyone.  Kira got a PR. Scott got a PR. Raman almost broke 60 minutes on this.  

Overhead sit ups:
Kira: 25#
Raman: 25#
Scott: 65#

* Notes *
Kira - subbed Lat Pulldowns at 5 for Dive Bomb Push Ups and subbed 2-hand hammer press @ 15# for dips
Scott - did 2x dips and did Overhead at 65# instead of 45# from last time

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Awesome workout today! Tough week so far, only will get worse tomorrow.

Kira's weight on the left, Scott on the right

10 Squats – (115/185) (Last set 125/195)
10 Side Bends – Each (45/75)
10 Deadlifts – (155/295) (Last set 165/305)
15 Box Jumps
25 Sit Ups
60 Second Plank
2 Minute Rest

Monday, November 24, 2014


Timed (40 minute cap) - Compare to 5/1/2014
Box Jump
Push Ups
Bicycle Sit Ups (each)

Every Round:
Run up and back
2 Burpees
2 Deck Squats

Old times:
Kira - 36:06, 15# Deck Squat
Scott - 39:07 - Added pull ups, did 2x push ups and bicycle sit ups, 45# Deck Squat

Kira crushed her old time by 9 minutes - all while adding 10# to the deck squats and jumping on the 20" box
Scott beat his time by just over 10 minutes
Raman completed the whole thing under time

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Not Timed but max effort.  Compare to 5/19/2014.

10x - 
25 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
20 Double Sit Ups
15 Push Ups
10 A2G Sqauts
10 Box Jumps
5 Slashers (Each)
5 Plank Row (Each)
3 Burpees

Kira Crushed this from last time.  Added 10# to both Slashers and Rows and still completed all 10 rounds.  Progress is awesome!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Timed - Compare to 5/15/2014

100 Burpees
10/25/50/75 Pull Ups
25/50 Deck Squats
100/250 Sit Ups
200/400/500 Mountain Climbers (total)

Break up sets any way you want

* Scott was the only one who was in on the 5/15/2014 workout for comparison.  PR by over 2 minutes.

Friday, November 14, 2014



Pull Up
Shoulder Press

5 Burpees
10 Side Plank Twist (Each)
20 Push up Jacks
40 V-Ups
20 Push up Jacks
10 Side Plank Twist (Each)
5 Burpees

25 Basketball Jumps
50 Hook Jacks
100 Mt. Climbers (Total)
50 Hook Jacks
25 Basketball Jumps
30 Second Rest

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


15 Squats (med)
25/50 Sit Ups
25/50 Bicycles (each)

15 Box Jump
10 Side Bends (each)
10 Sumo DL

25/50 Double Sit Ups
10/20 Burpee long jump
100 Walking Lunges
25/50 OH Sit Ups

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

vijay and bhanu update 11/11/2014


Vijay   18 18 15 16 17 15 18 14 = 131
Bhanu 21 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 = 158

Push Ups
Vijay   16 15 13 12 8 8 8 9 = 89
Bhanu 23 22 13   9 6 6 6 8 = 93

Sit Ups
Vijay     8 10 10 11 13 14 12 16 = 94

Bhanu 16 19 18 18 17 17 18 16 = 139

mountain climbers(total)
Vijay   42 35 38 32 34 32 43 38 = 294
Bhanu 48 47 42 38 35 35 38 40 = 323

5 deck squats (VJ 25#, BH 25#)
5 burpees


21-15-9 (Scott added 6-3-1)
Russian Twist
DB Swings
Shoulder Press/HSPU
Hand Release Push Up
Supine Row

100 Mt. Climbers
25 Burpees
100 Wide Mt. Climbers

Monday, November 10, 2014

Vijay & Bhanu update (11/10/2014)

1000 total
200 situps + 10 burpees
100 bicycle situps (each) + 10 burpees
100 double situps + 10 burpees
200 pushups + 10 burpees
200 squats + 10 burpees
100 flutter kicks + 10 burpees
100 mountain climbers


"Tabata Something Else"
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push Ups
Tabata Sit Ups
Tabata Pull Ups

5 Deck Squats
5 Burpees
5 Jumping Lunges (Each)
5 Plank Rows (Each)

Kira - Total: 421
Squats: 20-21-20-20-19-15-16-18=149 (PR)
Push Ups (Incline on 20" Bench): 12-12-15-12-11-10-10-10=92 (PR)
Sit Ups: 22-23-20-19-19-20-18-20=161 (PR)
Jumping Pull Ups: 3-4-3-2-2-2-2-1=19

Raman - Total: 276
Squats: 16-16-17-17-16-16-16-16=130
Push Ups: 9-7-6-5-4-4-4-3=42
Sit Ups: 10-12-10-8-8-8-9-9=74
Pull Ups: 6-5-5-3-3-4-3-3=32

Scott - Total: 478 (PR)
Squats: 21-22-21-22-21-21-20-22=170
Push Ups: 26-25-12-13-12-12-10-10=120
Sit Ups: 19-17-18-17-15-15-13-13=127
Pull Ups: 15-12-7-6-6-5-5-5=61 (PR)

Deck Squat #/Plank Row #
Kira: 25#/20#
Raman: Skipped/
Scott: 45#/60#


Kira and Rama on their own this week. Scott did 2 short hikes, 5 days of snorkeling and 1 beach PT with a weighted ruck.

Jingle Jangles (10 rounds, 30 on 30 off)

Slashers (each)
3x Bicycle Sit Ups

"Box Jump Annie" - Timed
16"/20" Box Jump
Sit ups

10x - Timed
50 Mountain Climbers (Total)
15 Squats

10x Run around

10 Pull Ups/Jumping Pull Ups/Lat Pulls
10 Shoulder Press
10 Lunges (each with shoulder press weight in hand)
10 V-Ups

5x Sprint up and back

2x 15@ Light
10@ Medium
10@ Medium Pause Squats
2x 5@ Medium Heavy

60 second Plank
30 second Side Plank (each)
15 Supermans
60 second Rest

Jumping Jacks
2x OH Flutter Kicks
OH Sit Ups
Smurf Jacks
Lunges (Each)
Burpee/Suicide Jump

Run 20 Around