Tough, tough workout to lead into the weekend. Insanity drills done differently - not as a group but as sets.
Buy In - 10 Level 1 Drills
20 Basketball Jumps
10 Power Push Ups
10 (Each) Plank Punches
10 (Each) Squat Hooks
10 Push Up Jacks
5 (Each) Side Suicide Jumps
10 (Each) High Knee Oblique Twist
10 (Each) Ski Abs
10 (Each) Switch Kicks
Buy Out - 10 Level 1 Drills
***Level 1 Drill = 4 (Each) mountain climber + 4 Push Up +
Kira did all but last set of 5x and did last set of Level 1 drills
Suresh did 1 round of 2nd set
Ajay did 3 rounds of 2nd set
Ajay did 3 rounds of 2nd set