Monday, June 30, 2014


Super small group... Just me today.

10-1 Timed - 26:10
Box Jumps @ 20"
Pull Ups
Shoulder Press @ 2x45#
Squat @ 2x45#
OH Sit Ups @ 45#
Decline Push Ups @ 20"

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Great work to finish off a tough week and a hard last few weeks.  Have a great week off!

10 Renegade Row
10 OH Sit Up
10 V-Up
25 Squats
15 Lunges (each)
10 Sumo Deadlift

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Really tough, really long workout today.  The running was just over 1 1/4 miles total plus everything else we did.  Great work, everyone!

Run Up and Back
Russian Twist
Double Sit Up
Push Ups
Side Bends
Deck Squats

DB Swings

(Rahul did 7 rounds)

Kira (No Elliptical for last 2 rounds due to time): 
Russian Twist (each side)
Double Sit Up
OH Sit Up
Push Ups
Shoulder Press
Side Bends (each)
Plank (In seconds x10)
* 1 Minute Elliptical Level 14

Stretch – Hold each 30-45 seconds
Standing Forward Bend
Standing Frog
Knee to chest (Each/Both)
Scorpion – Each side
Piriformis Stretch (Pigeon Pose)

Run Up and Back
Russian Twist
Crunches x2
Push Ups
Side Bends
Plank (In seconds x10)

Stretch – Hold each 30-45 seconds
Standing Forward Bend
Standing Frog
Knee to chest (Each/Both)
Scorpion – Each side
Piriformis Stretch (Pigeon Pose)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014



4-4 for 3 games then 3-3 for another game. All games to 11.  No penalties.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


2x 20 @ Light
1x10 @ Normal
1x5 @ Heavy

Bench Press
2x 20 @ Light
1x10 @ Normal
1x5 @ Heavy

20 OHS

10 Shoulder Press
Add caption


"Box Jump Annie"
16"/20" Box Jump
Sit ups

10x - Timed
50 Mountain Climbers (Total)
15 Push ups

"Box Jump Annie"
Time/Box Height
Bhanu - 12:00/20"
Dinesh - 15:00/16"
Harpreet - 13:50/16"
Rahul - 12:41/16"
Scott - 7:52/20"
Suresh - 18:50/16"
Vijay - 14:00/16"

Timed 10x
Bhanu - 14:51
Dinesh - 15:49
Harpreet - 15:06
Rahul - 11:40
Scott - 9:44
Suresh - 13:50
Vijay - 13:00

Elliptical – 20 minutes
Alternate level 6 and level 10 every minute

10 Straight leg Deadlift
15 Push ups
25 Sit Ups
25 Bicycle Sit Ups (each)
50 Mountain Climbers

Walk 1:15
Run 45

10 Side Bends (each) @ 15#
10 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups
20 Bridge + leg lift
20 Deep Squats

Friday, June 20, 2014


A small group and everyone split... perfect day for weights. 

Bhanu, Dinesh, Harpreet and Rahul Scott:
3x20 Shoulder Press (Light)
3x20 Deadlift (Light)
50 Floor Back Extensions
3x10 Upright Row
200 Wide Mountain Climbers
100 Double Sit Ups

Shoulder Press
2x Sit Up
3x Bicycle Sit Ups
1 Leg Bridge (Each)
Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
Swiss Ball Leg Curl

10 minutes Elliptical

Sumo Deadlift
3x Bicycle Sit Ups
Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
Swiss Ball Leg Curl

10 minutes stretching

Deadlift/Shoulder Press/Upright Row
Bhanu - 
Dinesh - 
Harpreet - 
Rahul - 
Scott - 185, 2x205/3x10@95/115, 135, 165

Purvaja - 2x10# Shoulder press

Kira - 45# Sumo Deadlift

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Welcome back Purvaja!  Last workout for Rajan... Good luck on your next adventure!  Looks like we are getting handstands going with the group now.  

20 High Knees (Each)
20 Butt Kickers (Each)
15 Heisman (Each)
10 1-2-3 (Each)
5 Hit the Floor (Each)

10 Ski Jump (Each)
10 In-and-out abs
5 Ski Abs (Each)
5 Level 1 Drill

5 Suicide Jumps
10 Cross Jacks (Each)
10 Power Knees (Each)
15 Push Up Jacks
10 High Plank Knees (Each)

10 Low Plank Knees (Each)

Purvaja did:
Walk 5 minutes

Page 1 Exercises + Scorpion
Slow and hold each one 30-45 seconds

5x - Alternate
1 minute walk
30 seconds jog

3x - Slow
10 Leg Extensions Backwards (Each)
10 Leg Extensions Side (Each)

5x - Alternate
1 minute walk
30 seconds jog

Page 1 Exercises + Scorpion
Slow and hold each one 30-45 seconds

Walk 5 minutes

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Deck Squats
OH Sit Ups
4-Count Flutter Kick + OH Weight

DB Swings
3x Squats
Basketball Jumps

3x Bicycle Sit Ups

Slashers/Deck Squat/OH/DB Swing
Dinesh - 35/25/25/25
Harpreet - 35/35/35/30
Kira - 25/25/25/25
Rajan -
Scott - 45/45/45/65
Sirish - 45/45/45/65
Suresh - 25/25/25/25
Vijay - 35/35/35/65

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


"Jones Crawl" - Timed - Compare to 4/4/2014
10 Deadlift
25 Box Jumps


100 Jump Rope
15 Burpees
50/100 Double Sit Ups
100 Jump Rope


20 Shoulder Press/10HSPU
10 V-Up

" Jones Crawl"

Time/Weight/Box Height
Ajay - 8:55/135,135,115#/16"
Bhanu - 5:09/155#/16"
Dinesh - 8:06/135#/16"
Kira - 5:02/95#/16"
Rahul - 6:03/185#/16"
Rajan - 5:01/205#(RX)/20"
Scott - 3:06/205#(RX)/20"
Sirish - 4:23/205#(RX)/20"
VJ - 10:04/135#/16"

Last time we did this:
Dinesh did it in 9:49 @ 115#.  He crushed it this time - and he stopped to fill up his water
Rahul added 70# (lowered his box jumps after yesterday's workout) and still was only behind by 13 seconds

And this happened (Kira would beat me if I failed to mention she held that a longer than I did):

Monday, June 16, 2014


Huge class today. Great work, everyone!

Walk the Line - Timed
100 Walking Lunges
25/50 Pushups
25/50 Sit ups
25/50 Bicycle Sit ups
10 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers

Ajay - 44:05 (Max except Min Push Ups)
Bhanu - 40:04 (Max)
Dinesh - 46:50 (Max)
Gowtham - 35:40 (Min)
Harpreet - 41:35 (Max)
Kira - 32:52 (Max)
Rahul - 35:32 (Max)
Rajan - 34:07 (Max)
Ray - 43:30 (Half except burpees)
Scott - 24:59 (Max)
Sirish - 33:46 (Max)
Suresh - 39:50 (Min)
Vijay - 44:38 (Max)

Friday, June 13, 2014


Volleyball - For Penalties
Server decides penalty for team losing the serve

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Bench Press
20 @ Light
2x5 @ Heavy

Wide Bench Press

3x10 Thrusters

10 V-Ups

25 Bicycle Sit Ups (each)

Bench press Light/Heavy/Wide/Thrusters

Bhanu - 85/95/95/60
Dinesh - 
Harpreet - 
Rahul - 
Rajan - 
Scott - 155/225/135,155/95,95,115
Vijay - 115/145/ /65

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Really Really tough today.  Great Job!

10x Run up back

2x High Knees (Each)
2x Butt Kicks (Each)
Heisman (Each)
2x Basketball 180 (alternating)
Squat Hooks (Each)
Frog Jumps (Front & Back)
Power Knee (Each)
Hit the Floor (Each)
Suicide Jumps
Ski Abs (Each)
Switch Kicks (Each)

*3 Level 1 Drills Each Round

Kira had to leave at the end of round 6.
Ray got through a few rounds.
Suresh got through a few rounds.
Vijay did this On Friday

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


10 Lunges (each)

10 Deadlift

20/30 Push Ups
20/30 Double Sit Ups
10 DB Snatches

Scott - Sub 65# Sumo DL for DB Snatches
Kira - Sub 20# Sumo DL for DB Snatches, last 3 rounds of Push Ups were from knees

Lunges/Deadlift/Push Up Reps/Double Sit Up Reps/Snatch

Ajay -
Bhanu -
Dinesh -
Harpreet -
Kira -
Scott - 1x165#, 2x145#/255#/30/30/65# Sumo DL
Sirish - 135#/185#/30/30/30#

Monday, June 9, 2014


On The Minute

After failure:
10 Deck Squats
50 Sit Ups
100 Mountain Climbers (Total)
150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
100 Mountain Climbers (Total)
50 Sit Ups
10 Deck Squats

Burpee rounds:
Bhanu - 13
Dinesh - 11
Gowtham - 11
Harpreet - 12
Kira - 13+10
Rajan - 12
Salit - 13
Scott - 16+12
Sirish - 13+5
Vijay - 12+10

Friday, June 6, 2014


Time capped at 40 Minutes

25 Burpees
20 Deck Squats
100/150/200 Mountain Climbers
30/50/75 Push Up Jacks
30/50/75 Basketball Jumps
75/100/150 Bicycle Sit Ups (Each)
10x Liners (Up and Back)
30/50/70 Spiderman Push Ups (Total)
20/35/50 Thrusters
20/35/50 V-Ups

Max Pull Ups

Time - Light,Middle,Hard/Deck Squat/Thruster/Pull Ups

Ajay: 33:56 - Middle (push ups Light)
Bhanu: 40:00 - Hard (50 Push Ups)/35#/20@2x20#, 30@2x15#/
Dinesh: 40:00 - 
Gowtham: 33:00 - Light
Harpreet: 40:00 - Middle/35#/2x20#/10
Kira: 30:57 Middle (After, did up to hard on all sets)
Rajan: 32:30 - Middle
Salit 40:00 - Light Push Up/Thrusters, Middle Everything Else
Scott 37:50: Hard (300 mountain climbers)/45#/65#/21
Suresh: 35:00: Light
Vijay - 40:00 - Hard/ /2x20#/

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Timed WoD - Compare to 2/25/2014

10x Run up and back

5 Burpees
10 Lunges (Each Side)
15 Double Sit Ups
20 Dips

10x Run up and back

10 Shoulder Press/HSPU (Scott)
20 In and Out Abs
30 Bicycle Sit Ups (each Side)
80 Mountain Climbers (total)

10x Run up and back

Scott and Sirish added:
10 Ab Wheel
10/15 Pull Ups

10x Run up and back

2/25/14 time in (RED)

Ajay - 30:25
Bhanu - 24:00 (25:02)
Dinesh - 29:00 (35:00)
Harpreet - 29:19
Kira - 26ish - Half of 2nd run and all of 3rd run done w/ 20# vest
Rajan - 23:07
Salit - 35:00
Scott - 33:48 - w/ 20# vest through 2nd run (35:53)
Sirish - 34:20
Vijay - 25:17 (29:23)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


25/50 Dips

1x Up and Back Lunges
2x Up and Back Farmer Carry
3x Up and Back Run

10 (each) Side Bends
15 OH Sit Ups
20 Double Sit Ups
25 (each) Bicycle Sit Ups
30 (total) Flutter Kicks

2-3 Sets Bench Press

Farmer Carry/Side Bends/OH  Sit ups/ Flutter Kick/Bench (reps@weight)
Ajay - 2x45#/35#/25#/35#
Dinesh - 2x35#/  /#25#/25#/10@125#
Harpreet - 2x45#/35#/35#/35#/2x10@115#,2x5@135# + 3x10 Shoulder press @60#
Kira - 2x45#/1@23#, 2@35#/25#/25#/10@45#, 5@65#
Rajan - 2x10@@135#, 2x10 @#145#
Salit - 2x15#/20#/10#/10#
Scott - 2x45#/65#/2@55#, 1@65#/2@55#, 1@65#/10@205#, 3@245#, 1@265# + 3 sets of 50 Dips

Monday, June 2, 2014


AMRAP in 38 Minutes
3 Burpees
8 DB Swings
38 Mountain Climbers

Rounds/DB Weight
Ajay - 21/25#
Bhanu - 29+3/30#
Dinesh - 15/25#
Gowtham - 18+3/20#
Harpreet - 22/35#
Kira - 29+3+8+29/25#
Ray -
Salit - 23+3+8/10#
Scott - 24+3+8/65# (38 pull ups after)
Sirish - 29/55#(first 10), 35# (remainder)
Suresh - 12 Then did other workouts
Tamas -
Vijay - 21+3/55#